Here you can find information about Shibaura Machine's discontinued models. While we no longer supply these models, we want to ensure you can still access relevant technical specifications for these industrial robots.

Check out our full range of available SCARA, 6-axis and Cartesian robots by following the links. 

Discontinued modelFull lengthFirst armSecond arm
SCARA Robot THP550550mm300mm250mm
SCARA Robot THP700700mm350mm350mm
SCARA Robot TH250A250mm125mm125mm
SCARA Robot TH350A350mm225mm125mm
SCARA Robot TH450A450mm225mm125mm
SCARA Robot TH550A550mm300mm250mm
SCARA Robot TH180180mm70mm110mm
SCARA Robot TH250250mm125mm125mm
SCARA Robot TH350350mm225mm125mm
SCARA Robot TH450450mm200mm250mm
SCARA Robot TH550550mm300mm250mm
SCARA Robot SR-424HSP420mm220mm200mm
SCARA Robot SR-504HSP500mm250mm250mm
SCARA Robot SR-554HSP550mm250mm300mm
SCARA Robot SR-654HSP650mm350mm300mm
SCARA Robot SR-854HSP850mm550mm300mm
SCARA Robot SR-854HSP-W850mm380mm470mm
SCARA Robot SR-1054HSP1050mm580mm470mm
SCARA Robot SR-1204HSP1200mm580mm620mm
SCARA Robot SR-1504HZ1500mm850mm650mm
Controller TS1000Part service attainability
Controller TS2000Part service attainability
Controller TS2100Part service attainability
Cartesian Coordinate Robot COMPO ARM BA-â…¡ seriesPart service attainability
Cartesian Coordinate Robot COMPO ARM BA seriesPart service attainability